A. Understanding Job Performance / Performance
Performance is a strategic planning and management system that is already known and widely used in business and industry
Definition of performance known as performance or in English is called with the performance. In principle, there is another term that better describes the "achievements" in English is the word "achievement". But because the word is derived from the word "to Achieve" which means "reach", then in the Indonesian language is often interpreted to be "reaching" or "what is achieved". (Ruky: 15)
Rahmanto mention work performance or performance as the degree of implementation of tasks that can be achieved by a person, unit, or division, using the existing capabilities and limitations that have been set to achieve company goals. (Www. Feunpak. Web. Id / Jima / isna.txt)
Performance by Anwar King Mangkunegara (2000: 67) "Performance (performance) is the result of the quality and quantity of work achieved by one employee in performing their duties in accordance with the responsibilities given to him".
Bernardin and Russell (1993:378) provides a definition of performance as follows:
"Performance is defined as the record of outcomes produced on a specified job function or activity During a specified time period" (defined as a record of work achievement of the results obtained through the specific job functions or activities during a certain time tempo).
From the definition above can be understood that more emphasis on work performance or results obtained from a job as a contribution to the company.
The performance evaluation (performance appraisal) is basically a key factor in order to develop an organization effectively and efficiently, due to a policy or a better program for existing human resources within the organization. Individual performance assessment is very beneficial for the growth dynamics of the organization as a whole, through the assessment then can be found the true conditions of how employee performance.According to Bernardin and Russell (1993: 379) The performance evaluation is a way of measuring the contribution of individuals (employees) to the organization where they work. According to Cascio (1992: 267) "performance appraisal is a systematic description or a description of the strengths and weaknesses are related from a person or group". According to Bambang Wahyudi (2002: 101) "performance assessment is an evaluation conducted periodically and systematically about work performance / position of a workforce, including its development potential. "
John Witmore in Coaching for Perfomance (1997: 104) "performance is the performance of the functions required of a person or an act, an achievement, a public exhibition of skill." Performance is a condition that must be known and confirmed to a certain party to determine the level of achievement of an agency associated with the vision that carried an organization or company and to know the positive and negative impacts of an operational policy. Mink (1993: 76) to express ideas that individuals who have a high performance has some characteristics, which include: (a) achievement-oriented, (b) has the confidence, (c) berperngendalian self, (d) competence.
B. Understanding Job Performance Appraisal / Performance Appraisal
In the discussion above has been explained about the work performance, but how is the definition of "assessment"?
The performance evaluation (performance appraisal) is basically a key factor in order to develop an organization effectively and efficiently, due to a policy or a better program for existing human resources within the organization. Individual performance assessment is very beneficial for the growth dynamics of the organization as a whole, through the assessment then can be found the true conditions of how employee performance.According to Bernardin and Russell (1993: 379) "A way of measuring the contribution of individuals to Their organization". The performance evaluation is a way of measuring the contribution of individuals (employees) to the organization where they work.
According to Cascio (1992: 267) "performance appraisal is a systematic description or a description of the strengths and weaknesses are related from a person or group."
According to Bambang Wahyudi (2002: 101) "performance assessment is an evaluation conducted periodically and systematically about work performance / position of a workforce, including its development potential."
According to Henry Simamora (338: 2004) "performance assessment is the process used by organizations to evaluate the implementation of individual employees."
Muchinsky (1993:217) defines assessment as follows: "a systematic review of an individual employee's performance on the job the which is Used to evaluate the effectiveness of his or her work". (A systematic review of individual work performance of employees in jobs that used to evaluate the effectiveness of the work).
Assessment of work performance in English is called the performace appraisal. In the dictionary of HR Management and Organisational Behaviour (Single, 1997:48) means a process of assessing the performance of individual organizations. While Bittel (1996:233) mentions a formal and systematic evaluation of how well a person doing his job and fulfill their role within the organization.
Blanchard and Spencer (1982:100) mentions the work performance appraisal is a process organization that evaluates employees' performance on the job. In essence, supervisors and employees are formally evaluated continuously. Most of them refer to previous work and evaluate performance to find out what to do next. When performance does not qualify, then the manager or supervisor must take action, so if performance is good then its behavior should be maintained.
Putti in his book A Manager's Primer on Performance Appraisal, as quoted by Achmad S. Ruky (2002:12-13), there are several definitions of work performance appraisal, among others:
1. Roger Belows, in Psycology of Personnal in Business Industry, Prentice Hall, New Jersey 1961, p.370 define a periodic assessment of the value of an individual employee for the organization, conducted by a supervisor or someone who is in a position to observe or assess performance.
2. Dale S. Beach, The Management of People at Work, Mac Milian New York, 1970 p.257, defines a systematic evaluation of individual employees about his achievements in his work and its potential for development.
3. Bernardin and Russell (1993:379), defines a way of measuring the contribution of individuals (employees) to the organization where they work.
4. Cascio (1992:267), defines a systematic picture or description about the strengths and weaknesses associated with the work of an individual or a group.
From some of the above definition can be concluded that performance appraisal is a systematic way to evaluate the achievements, contributions, potential and value of an employee by the people who authorized the company as a basis for development and so forth.
C. Factors Affecting Performance / Performance
According to Robert L. Mathis and John H. Jackson (2001: 82) the factors that affect the performance of individual workers, namely: 1.Kemampuan them, 2.Motivasi, 3.Dukungan received, 4.Keberadaan work they do, and 5.Hubungan them with the organization. Berdasarkaan understanding the above, it can be concluded that the performance is the quality and quantity of work (outputs) of individuals and groups in a particular activity that caused by natural ability or skills gained from the learning process and the desire to excel.
According Mangkunegara (2000) states that the factors that affect performance include:
a. Factors ability Psychologically ability (abilities) consists of the ability of potential employees (IQ) and ability of reality (education). Therefore, employees need dtempatkan at work in accordance with keahlihannya.
b. Motivation factors Motivation formed from the attitude (attiude) an employee in the face of situations (situasion) work. Motivation is a condition that drives the self-directed employees to achieve work goals. Mental attitude is a mental condition that encourages someone to try to achieve maximum employment potential.
David C. Mc Cleland (1997) as quoted Mangkunegara (2001: 68), argues that "There is a positive relationship between achievement motive of achievement." The motive of achievement with the achievement of employment. Achievement motive is an impulse in a person to perform an activity or task in the best possible to be able to achieve performance (performance) with the predicate commendable.
Furthermore, Mc. Clelland, suggests six characteristics of a person who has a high motive, namely: 1) Have high responsibility 2) Dare to take risks 3) Having a realistic goal 4) Having a comprehensive work plan and strive to realize the goal. 5) Utilizing concrete feedback in all work activities undertaken 6) Looking for an opportunity to realize the plans that have been diprogamkan.
According to Gibson (1987) there are 3 factors that affect performance: 1) Individual factors: ability, skill, family background, work experience, level of social and demographic one. 2) Psychological factors: perception, roles, attitudes, personality, motivation and job satisfaction 3) organizational factors: organizational structure, job design, leadership, reward systems (reward system).
D. Aspects of Performance Appraisal
A good performance appraisal is able to create a picture of the performance of employees are valued. Assessment is not only intended to assess and improve poor performance, but also to encourage employees to work better. In this regard, performance assessment requires measurement standards, methods for valuing and analyzing measurement data, as well as follow-up measurements. The main elements in the performance appraisal system Werther and Davis (1996:344) are:
1. Performance Standard
Assessment of performance in desperate need of clear standards or benchmarks are used as benchmarks against which performance will be measured. Standard made of course, must relate to the kind of work will be measured and the expected results will be seen with this performance review.
There are four things that must be considered in setting standards of performance assessment is good and right of validity, agreement, realism, and Objectivity.
a. Validity is the validity of these standards according to the type of work being assessed. Validity is referred to here are those standards really appropriate or relevant to types of work that will be assessed.
b. Agreement means the agreement, namely the assessment standards are approved and accepted by all employees who will receive the assessment. It deals with the principle of validity above.
c. Realism means that the assessment standards are realistic, achievable by the employee and in accordance with the capabilities of staff.
d. Objectivity means that the standard is objective, that is fair, able to reflect the actual situation with no increase or decrease the realities and difficult to be influenced by the biases of the assessor
2. Performance Management Criteria (Criteria for Managerial Performance)
Criteria for performance assessment can be viewed through several dimensions, namely the use of functional (functional utility), validity (validity), empirical (empirical base), sensitivity (sensitivity), the development of systematic (systematic development), and the feasibility of law (legal appropriateness).
a. Functional usefulness is crucial, because the results of performance appraisal can be used to make the selection, compensation, and employee development, the results of performance appraisal should be valid, fair, and useful so it can be accepted by decision makers.
b. Valid or measure what is actually going to be measured from the performance assessment.
c. Is empirical, not based on mere feelings.
d. Sensitivity criteria. Criteria that indicate relevant results, that is performance, not the other things that are not related to performance.
e. Systematic criteria. This depends of the needs of organizations and environmental organizations. Systematic criteria are not always good. Organizations that are on the fast-changing environment might be better to use a less systematic criteria to quickly adjust and vice versa.
f. Legal feasibility of the criteria that should be in accordance with applicable law.
These dimensions are used in determining the types of performance appraisal criteria.As these criteria are people-based criteria, product-based criteria, behavior-based criteria.
a. People-based criteria are based on the functional dimensions of usability so widely used for the selection and determination of compensation. These criteria are based on an assessment of personal abilities, such as experience, intellectual ability, and skill.
b. Product-based criteria are usually considered better than people-based criteria.These criteria are based on destination or type of output to be achieved.
c. Behavior-based criteria, has many aspects, could be in terms of legal, ethical, normative, or technical. These criteria are based on the expected behaviors in accordance with these aspects.
3. Measurement of Performance (Performance Measures)
Performance measurement can be done by using a rating system (rating) that are relevant. Rating should be easy to use in accordance with that will be measured, and reflect the things that really determine the performance of Werther and Davis (1996:346). Performance measurement is also meant to compare between the standards set by the performance actually happened.
Performance measurement can be subjective or objective. Objective means of performance measurement can also be accepted, measured by parties other than the assessment and quantitative. While the measurements are subjective means of measurement based on personal opinion or personal standards of people who do the assessment and is difficult to be verified by others.
4. Measurement Data Analysis
After establishing measurement standards, then start collected the necessary data.These data can be collected by conducting interviews, surveys directly, or researching employment records and so forth. These data were collected and analyzed whether there is a difference between the standard of performance with actual performance.
5. Bias and Challenges in Performance Assessment
Assessment of performance should be free from discrimination. Whatever the form or method of valuation performed by management must be fair, realistic, valid, and relevant to the type of work that will be assessed for performance assessment is not only related to the problem of achievement alone, but also comes to salary, employment, promotion / demotion, and placement of employees. As for the biases that often arise according to Werther and Davis (1996:348) are:
a. Hallo Effect, occurs because the assessors liked or did not like the nature of the employee who judged. Therefore, employees tend to be favored by the evaluator will obtain a positive value in all aspects of valuation, and vice versa, an employee who does not like will get a negative value in all aspects of the assessment;
b. Liniency and Severity Effect. Assessor Liniency effect is likely to assume that they must apply both to employees, so they tend to give good value to all aspects of the assessment. While the severity effect is that assessors tend to have the opposite philosophy and views of staff so that tends to give bad grades;
c. Central tendency, the appraiser does not want to judge too high nor too low to subordinates (always in the middle). Assessor tolerance that is too excessive, it makes assessors tend to provide an assessment with an average value.
d. Assimilation and differential effects. Assimilation effects, namely assessors tend to prefer employees who have traits or characteristics like them, so that will give better value than employees who do not have the same properties and characteristics with him. While the differential effect, ie assessors tend to prefer employees who have traits or characteristics that do not exist in itself, but the properties that's what they want, so the appraiser will give a better value than the other;
e. First impression error, namely appraiser who draw conclusions about the employee based on their first contact and tend to bring these impressions of the assessment until the long term;
f. Recency effect, the rater tends to assign value based on the behavior that they had just seen, and forget about the past behavior during a certain period.
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